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【英语篇】Going to the Bar

作者:心结网 发布时间:11-23 浏览:

This couple had only been married for two weeks. The husband, although very much in love, couldnt wait to go out into town and party, so he says to his new bride, "Honey, Ill be right back..." "Where are you going coochi cooh...?" asks his wife. "Im going to the bar, pretty face. Im going to have a beer." replies the husband. The wife puts her hands on her hiPS and says to him, "You want a beer my love...?" Then she opens the door to the refrigerator and shows him 25 different kinds of beer brands from 12 different countries.The husband doesnt know what to do, and the only thing that he can think of saying is: "Yes, loolie loolie ... but the bar ... you know ... the frozen glass." He didnt get to finish saying the sentence, when the wife interrupts him by saying, "You want a frozen glass puppy face...?" She takes out of the freezer a huge beer mug so frozen that the wife was getting the chills from holding it. The husband looking a bit pale says, "Yes, tootsie roll. But at the bar they have those hoers de devours that are really delicious... I wont be long. Ill be right back. I promise. OK?" "You want hoers de devours poochi pooh..?" She opens the oven and takes out 15 dishes of different hoers de devours ... chicken wings, pigs in the blanket, mushroom caPS, pork striPS, etc. "But sweet honey ... at the bar ... you know ... the swearing, the dirty words and all that..." replies the husband in desparation. "You want dirty words cutie pie...? HERE! DRINK YOUR DAMN BEER IN YOUR DAMN FROZEN GLASS AND EAT YOUR DAMN HOERS DE VOURS, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE ASSHOLE! mWC心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事


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