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【英语篇】The Watermelon Patch

作者:心结网 发布时间:11-23 浏览:

There was a farmer who raised watermelons. He was doing pretty well but he was disturbed by some local kids who would sneak into his watermelon patch(西瓜地)at night and eat his watermelons.ivV心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

After some careful thought he ***es up with a clever idea that he thinks will scare the kids away for sure. So he makes up a sign and posts it in the field.ivV心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

The next day the kids show up and they see this sign, which says, "Warning, one of the watermelons in this field has been injected with cyanide(一种剧毒物质)." So the kids run off and make up their own sign, which they post next to the sign that the farmer made.ivV心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

The farmer shows up the next day to look over his field. He notices that no watermelons are missing but a new sign next to his. He drives over to the sign and takes a look.ivV心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

It says, "Now there are two"ivV心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事


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