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【英语篇】Boss’s idea

作者:心结网 发布时间:11-23 浏览:

When my printers type began to go faint, I called a repair shop where a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned. Because the shop charged 50 pounds for such cleanings, he told me, it would be better for me to read the printers directions and try the job myself.ksy心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事

Pleasantly surprised by his words, I asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?" "Actually its my bosss idea," the employee replied. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repair things themselves first."ksy心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事


Pleasantly surprised by his words, I asked, "Does your boss know that you discourage business?" "Actually its my bosss idea," the employee replied. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repair things themselves first."ksy心结网_爱情_周公解梦_中外历史文化_十二生肖_十二星座_百家姓_财经信息_工商会计_商业信息_综合测试_短信大全_故事


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